This one is a little rough but it's a nice vintage classical EP from the 1950's. If you aren't usually a classical fan you may recognize a couple of the songs from watching The Three Stooges.
This came from a fairly nice 2 LP set and features lots of fairly generic polkas from fairly generic bands such as The Deutschmeisters, Polka Padre, Rainbow Valley Dutchmen, Doug Dickover, and more. It's not bad but I have heard much better polkas in my time.
I found another sealed Hustlers album at the thrift store and since I enjoyed the first one so much it was a no brainer (at fifty cents) for me. This one is entirely related to skiing, a pasttime in which I have absolutely no interest, so I can't say that it was as good as the first one but I can see how ski freaks would have been all over this one back in the day.
This one wasn't really an old-time radio show but rather a nice collection of historic dramatic adaptations for use in school classrooms. Our local thrift store had a bunch of these but I only picked up this one because the others were rather scratched. This album features Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln.
This one is a little scratchy but it's actually a fairly enjoyable listen which features lots of the usual suspects AND a nice version of LIBERTY BELL MARCH (the theme song used for MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS).
I only picked this one up for one reason - a cover of the Beatles song THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD and, boy, is it awful! In fact this whole album is pretty bad, very generic, and I swear that they used to play it at JC Penney when I was a tot being drug around by my mom in that store!